24/9 - 21/10/20 / by Muhammad Amir Ayub

Opportunities have been hard to come by and the duration and intensity of the training "week" reflected that.

Until COVID starts to permanently settle down (with no more lockdowns) I don’t see an end to the struggle to regain all of my lost strength. And since rest has been difficult to get, I haven’t been able to go all out anyways, especially with the long gap between sessions.

And with the lack of exercise, I’ve started getting pain in my right hip and back (again). WTF.

DL - Up to 142.5 kg x 7. Literally called it a night.

BP - UP to 67.5 kg x 5 for 3 sets
TRX Inverted Row - 5 x 10
Standing DB Press with 16 kg DB - 5 x 5

Squat - up to 5 x 90 kg x 5
SLDL with 20 kg DB - 3 x 3

Military Press:
Pullups - 7 x 4
Standing DB Press - 7 x 16 kg x 5