Trump' Child Separation Policy to Deter Immigrants by Muhammad Amir Ayub

Trump's zero tolerance immigration policy has been making news for a while, but the noise has never been louder. Yet the Republicans are not backing down on the policy of separating children from their parents, literally in cages. And it's the immigrants who are very much losers on this from the barbaric policy (and people talk smack about this country's handling of illegal immigrants): 

But after seeing news reports of wailing children in cages, Centeno said he now planned to stay longer in Mexico, taking a low-paying job in the kitchen of a seafood restaurant rather than risk losing his children indefinitely.

”You leave with the intention of going to the United States, where you can improve your life and that of your sons,” he said, flanked by his two boys, Axel, 9, and Steven, 3.

”But as things stand today, it’s difficult, because if you get caught, they take your kids away. I think I’m going to stay here, in Mexico, and establish myself.”

A rebound in the number of Central American migrants - most fleeing incessant gang violence in their impoverished homelands - being detained on the southern border prompted the Trump administration to implement the zero tolerance policy.

That policy, announced in April, directed that all immigrants apprehended while crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally should be criminally prosecuted.

Parents referred by border agents for prosecution are held in federal jails, while their children are moved into border shelter facilities under the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a Department of Health and Human Services agency.

It's probably this straw that's broken the camel's back:

The baritone voice of a Border Patrol agent booms above the crying. “Well, we have an orchestra here,” he jokes. “What’s missing is a conductor.”

Gruber has linked to an article highlighting just how ridiculous the defense has been.

The Trump administration is playing a game of choose your own facts, but every single version of this story ends with screaming children in cages.

All this in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Shaped by immigrants all over the world in it's history (including Trump's own bloodlines). The fucking richest country of the world.

It's a good thing that the US is withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council. They have no right to be there if they're only interested in regressing:

The announcement came just a day after the U.N. human rights chief, Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, denounced the Trump administration for separating migrant children from their parents. But Haley cited longstanding U.S. complaints that the 47-member council is biased against Israel. She had been threatening the pull-out since last year unless the council made changes advocated by the U.S.

“Regrettably, it is now clear that our call for reform was not heeded,” Haley said.

Still, she suggested the decision need not be permanent, adding that if the council did adopt reforms, “we would be happy to rejoin it.” She said the withdrawal notwithstanding, the U.S. would continue to defend human rights at the United Nations.

The move extends a broader Trump administration pattern of stepping back from international agreements and forums under the president’s “America First” policy. Although numerous officials have said repeatedly that “America First does not mean America Alone,” the administration has retreated from multiple multilateral accords and consensuses since it took office.

Since January 2017, it has announced its withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, left the U.N. educational and cultural organization and pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal. Other contentious moves have included slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum against key trading partners, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv.


Added Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch: “All Trump seems to care about is defending Israel.”

I wonder if this administration can last a full term.

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NBA's "Me Too Moment"? by Muhammad Amir Ayub

One of the themes of the recently ended NBA season was multiple stars opening up about their mental health issues. But some are more influenced by the people around than others (just a part of human nature).

“The NBA gave me my depression,” Robinson told Bleacher Report in a wide-ranging interview. “I’ve never been a depressed person in my life.”


Robinson cited conflicts with coaches Tom Thibodeau and Larry Brown as being particularly burdensome. He told Bleacher Report that while with the New York Knicks, Brown called him “the little s—-“ every day. After Robinson went to Brown’s office in tears and asked him to stop, Brown again called him the name in front of the team and told his teammates that he had cried.

Brown told Bleacher Report that he didn’t have any recollection of what Robinson had recounted.

”I don’t know what I called him, to be honest with you,” Brown said. “If I did that, shame on me. I would feel terrible about that. That’s not who I am, but I don’t want to dispute Nate.”

Shame on you, Larry. I wonder if some of the Pistons players who were NBA Champions with him received such treatment as well. Sheed is probably one who'd actually perform better with such vitriol thrown at him.

George Karl on the other hand is someone who decided to expose his own rotten flesh (relatively older news): 

“My feelings for George Karl is that he is the person he is. He’s showing everybody who he is, the person I dealt with for six-and-a-half years in Denver,” Martin said on ESPN’s The Jump. “I saw it firsthand every day — him coming in the locker room and not speaking to people, him talking down to other people, him treating people in the organization like crap. I saw it year in and year out. Now the whole world is going to see it.”

Appearing on ESPN’s Mike & Mike on Thursday, the longtime NBA coach was asked whether he was surprised by the backlash to the book.

”There’s no question,” he said. “Surprised? Yeah, I guess there’s no question we all want to be liked a little bit. The backlash was interesting. A couple of things I learned from. I think the big thing is a couple of things. I probably should’ve studied — I didn’t know — I probably should’ve studied what I was writing a little more than I did.”

What a dumbass.

Addendum: The ultimate burn on Larry Brown from Jalen Rose:

Interesting Recently-Listened to Medical Podcasts (June 16 2018) by Muhammad Amir Ayub

As the title implies (with a slight bias towards anesthesia-related podcasts)..

OpenAnesthesia: Concussion and Anesthesia (an interview with Monica Vavilala). We recently had a case that was planned for beach chair positioning but with a "recent" history of concussion (not so recent according to this expert if it's 3 weeks ago). According to this pediatric anesthetist, elective surgery should be delayed until resolution of concussion symptoms (which usually takes up to 10 days). However, we really don't have the complete safety data to back things up (it's all generally just expert opinion). If surgery is needed urgently, cerebral protection must be maintained as there is proof that autoregulation of cerebral blood flow is impaired following even mild traumatic brain injuries.

OpenAnesthesia Article of the Month, an interview with T.J. Gan on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS). He is a Malaysian pushing the research in the US on ensuring that patients recover as fast as possible after major surgery, with benefits to both patients and healthcare systems.

OpenAnesthesia: The Opioid Epidemic and Pediatric Anesthesia (interview with Dr. Myron Yaster). While in Malaysia we have been pushing forward wih the “pain as 5th vital sign” initiative, in the  States the opioid epidemic has swung the pendulum to the other direction, and deservedly so. There patients are given so much opioids on their discharge home (in excess of their need) to ensure so-called good satisfaction in regards to their pain relief. Here in Malaysia, we’re just trying to ensure that healthcare workers properly identify patients in pain, and in general it appears that we are still managing it at an appropriate level (looking at how bad the opioid epidemic is in the US, it’s probably better to slightly undertreat pain rather than overtreat it).

JAMA: When Will It Stop? Clinicians Are Still Ordering Routine ECGs Despite Recommendations to the Contrary. It’s interesting how the data shows that the ECG has been shown to be a more and more useless tool for general health screening in low risk individuals. For preop assessment, there is a role for testing, but recommendations are moving towards not performing it mandatorily especially for low risk surgery (even with known disease), as most of the evidence are all level B or worse and perioperative management is not altered. But for sports screening, I would still advocate it, since stopping them from strenuous physical activity (as part of their sports training and play) could be life saving (could Zeke's life be saved by not playing?). Or they could also end up like Jeff Green, who had open heart surgery and was later able to continue playing safely (a miracle of modern medicine), in the NBA Finals no less.