MCAI SOE 6th Nov 2019

Pharmacology and Clinical Measurement

- Volume distribution, formula of Vd?
- how to calculate loading dose?
- How do you infuse the drug to maintain steady state?
- How long will it take the drug to reach it’s peak level if without loading dose?
- Give drugs with high Vd and Low Vd? Example
- What determine the drugs Vd? What is fentanyl volume of distribution?
- Define context sensitive half time? Example of high CSHT and low CSHT?

Non depolarizing muscle relaxant.
- classify NDMR - according to duration, types
- Differences between deplorasing and non depolarising
- Complication of suxamethonium
- rocuronoum and atracurium. Compare and contrast
- Vd of muscle relaxant non depolarising and why?

Vomiting centre
- Vomiting Centre
- anti emetics, class, example side effect
- Scoring system for PONV and what are the components?
- What is your anaesthetic management with patient with PONV

Anti hypertensive drugs
- Classification and example of each
- Beta blocker and it’s effect, examples
- Anaesthetic complication with a patient with beta blockers?
- Labetolol side effect and it’s PK PD. How it effect changed with doses?

- Defination, uses, and example, hazard
- Airway hazard and management
- Protective measures against laser
- Mechanism of laser working
- Co2 laser wavelength
- Protective goggle, when and how?

Physiology and Physics

Pain physiology
- The pathway of pain
- Fibres involve in pain and it’s characteristic
- Speed of conduction of the nerve fibre
- Rexed laminae and substancia gelatinosa
- How to Intrathecal morphine acts on the spinal cord?

Cerebral Blood flow
- what is cerebral blood flow and what affect blood flow
- Autoregulation of CBF
- Monroe Kellie doctrine
- Graph of hypoxia, hypercarbia against CBF

Lung physiology.
- Explain west zone of lungs
- V/Q graph.
- VQ mismatch, dead space

Acid base balance
- What is concentration H+ of normal pH
- What is pH and pKa?
- Henderson and hasselbalch equation
- Buffer system
- What are the acid in the body?

- Explain what is ECG?
- polar direction, limb lead and chest leads. Beneft of each leads and indication.
- Why Lead II was chosen as the main lead?
- What is high pass and low pass filter?
- What interference of ECG?
- Explain cardiac axis eithoven triangle?

- classify and draw one of the vaporiser
- Safety feature vaporizer
- What is temperature compensation.
- Desflurane vaporiser vs other vaporiser? What special feature?
- What is bimetallic strip? How does it changes with temperature?

Special thanks to Benedict, Ng BJ and Olivia